Group Soul Retrieval Healing

from $37.00

Invoke great healing for a group that has recently experienced a shared traumatic event.


This page is for booking an in-person or Zoom group soul retrieval.

Before booking, please ensure that you have a group between three to 20 persons who wish to participate.

The prices listed here are per-person. When selecting the Quantity below, you may either:

- Select “1” (thus paying your individual participation fee) and then collect the per-person fee from each participant to provide to me before the ceremony


- Select the number of confirmed participants (for example, for Quantity, enter “10” for 10 participants), and then pay the corresponding total fee and request personal reimbursement from the participants.

All information shared during booking is kept confidential, except where appropriate or for emergency purposes. I will reply to your booking via email within three business days in order to confirm your group soul retrieval.

Book Your Group Soul Retrieval